This will be my first conference. As Americans and as Independents, we now face unprecedented challenges—and opportunities. So, I decided to do a little preparing, rather than just showing up. I invite you to consider the idea, too.
It involves mainly “priming” my brain to prompt me to listen actively and take away insights that I can use to stimulate others to join in our cause. That’s the intent. The tool is Jackie Salit’s book, Independents Rising.
I read this intriguing book when it first came out and posted an Amazon review. When I stumbled on that review recently, I decided to follow my own advice: read the book—again. I wanted a refresher on how we got to this point in our movement. Only a few pages into this “second time around,” I am finding ideas that will make me a better listener at the conference and ambassador for our cause afterward. Jackie’s lively prose reminds me—again—who Independents are. It’s a simple foundation for the conference. Check it out. I think you’ll find it rewarding.
In a week or so, I’ll be able to let you know what my “takeaways” are after finishing the book. I’d like to hear what yours are, too—on March 18!
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